
How Fraud Eliminator Works:

FraudEliminator prevents users from accessing known fraud and phishing websites, and employs advanced artificial intelligence that can recognize and block all yet-undiscovered fraud sites. We maintain a real-time database that tracks information about every known online fraud threat. As soon as our fraud analysis team positively identifies a phishing or fraud site, our entire userbase is instantly updated; everyone using our product is immediately "inoculated" against the threat, without having to do anything.
We collect fraud information from two sources: our own network of "honeypots" (email accounts that are specially designed to attract fraudulent phishing emails), and from users who report fraud incidents to us by clicking on the "Report Fraud" button on their FraudEliminator toolbar. Our team of Fraud Analysts reviews each submission, and if found to be a real threat, it is immediately added to our Real Time Threat Database.
Even without the Threat Database, our software contains a set of advanced rules that we have developed that are designed specifically to recognize telltale signs of fraud.
For example, should a user in Virginia be giving out his or her credit card number to a "CitiBank" located in Russia? Through analyzing things such as domain name, website content, geolocation information, and common tricks that phishers play, we are able to proactively warn our users before it's too late.
For more information on the problems of phishing and fraud, and our solution, please see our whitepaper:
White Paper: FraudEliminator and the Phishing/Fraud Threat