FraudEliminator wants to partner with you! FraudEliminator is actively seeking partners to help distribute and promote our product to Internet users worldwide. FraudEliminator Toolbar's effectiveness is commensurate with the number of users who have installed it (and can report fraud) so the more users, the better.
Our product is especially suited for first time internet users who might not know the difference between real and fake sites. (Although, as the differences between real and fake sites grow slimmer, our product certainly appeals to a much broader audience).
We encourage anyone who likes our product to link to our home page or download page, and some sample buttons are provided at the bottom of this page.
FraudEliminator is recruiting Affiliates interested in promoting our FraudEliminator Pro anti-fraud solution on their websites. We offer a competitive revenue sharing model of 60% of all sales you refer. For more information about our Affiliate program or to sign up, .
Strategic Alliances & Private Label Arrangements
Our FraudEliminator toolbar and anti-fraud technology were developed to be customizable by larger companies interested in protecting their customers or employees from online fraud. We have established a variety of partnership programs to accommodate the needs of larger companies, including private label arrangements to distribute our toolbar. Potential applications of our toolbar and anti-fraud technology include:
- Financial institutions, internet service providers (ISPs), or consumer credit & identity protection providers interested in providing anti-fraud protection to their customers; and
- Larger companies interested in protecting their employees from online fraud.
For more information about strategic alliances or private label arrangements, please contact us and indicate your geography of interest (North America, Europe or Asia-Pacific).
FraudEliminator "no phising" button on white background script and sample: |
size: 165x71 |
FraudEliminator medium download button script and sample: |
size: 147x42 |
FraudEliminator medium download button script and sample: |
size: 122x28 |
FraudEliminator small download button script and sample: |
size: 98x33 |