FraudElminator Co. takes your privacy very seriously. Please read below to learn more about our privacy policy. We've tried to present this in plain English, not legalese.
What Information FraudEliminator Collects (i.e., None)
When you install FraudEliminator, the FraudEliminator toolbar communicates with our server to receive an ID number. This is just a number to uniquely count the number of toolbar users out there, and to help us identify fraud reports. Each subsequent time that your FraudEliminator toolbar downloads the latest blacklist information, the only information shared is your toolbar ID and the version number of FraudEliminator you have.

Your copy of FraudEliminator, once installed, will check in with our server every 15 minutes (at the very least), to receive updated fraud information. We do not monitor nor do we have access to the websites you view when FraudEliminator is installed. Your copy of FraudEliminator simply accesses our server and supplies its toolbar ID and version number, and FraudEliminator responds with updated fraud information.
How Fraud Reports are Handled
When you report a site to FraudEliminator as fraudulent using the Report Fraud button in the toolbar, an anonymous fraud report is sent to our fraud analysis team. No personal identifying information is included; the only information included with the fraud report is your unique toolbar ID. When you submit a fraud report, it may be used by us to (a) update our threat database and blacklist, and (b) to alert the victim whose site has been "phished."
FraudEliminator Search Field
The FraudEliminator Toolbar has a search field that links with several popular search engines. One of these search engines is listed as "FraudEliminator". When you perform a search with FraudEliminator search, we (FraudElminator Co.) receive a portion of the proceeds that may result from the search if you click on a search ad. This helps support the continued development of FraudEliminator. We do not collect any information on searches you perform.

If you perform a search query (via the FraudEliminator toolbar) with another search engine, the search is referred directly to that search engine. We do not store or process any information on searches performed.